Thursday, December 13, 2012

As A Man Thinks

As A Man Thinks

Proverbs 23:7
For as she thinks in her heart, so is she.

What do you think? What do you think about yourself? What do you think about deep inside your heart? Do you know that you help create your destiny by your thoughts? What woman holds in her heart, or thinks, has a great effect upon her spiritually, mentally, and physically and will affect all areas of her life…YOUR LIFE!

This proverb has unbelievably huge and universal implications. This wisdom of truth from God acts as a universal law. No matter what race, gender, social status, origin of birth or education level, it hits the mark every time!

Some call it the law of attraction. In 1937 Napoleon Hill wrote a book based on this principle called, “Think And Grow Rich”. It sold millions globally and is still selling today. Why? Because it works!


That’s it in a nutshell. In its simplest form: You are what you think you are. It doesn’t matter if what you think you are is correct or incorrect, self labeled or something you believed from another. If you accept something as true in your thinking and act upon it, you will become what you are thinking about.

This is not random thoughts the Bible is talking about, but deep rooted thoughts that have set up home inside your heart. The thoughts that you guard with your very life. These are the thoughts you fight for and sometimes even die for.

The most astounding thing is, it works for your good or bad, it has not prejudice. What is more amazing is; “YOU can control what you think deep in your heart!”

When the religious leaders tried to accuse Jesus’ disciples of breaking ceremonial laws by eating wheat with unclean hands, Jesus replied:

Mark 7:18-23
So He said to them, “Are you thus without understanding also? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is eliminated, thus purifying all foods?” And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man. For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.”

Jesus said the things that defile and hurt us are the deep “heart” issues within us. So, if you go back to Proverbs 23:7, we can understand that if we think in a certain way, we produce certain results; either defiling ourselves or uplifting ourselves. God wants you to be uplifted. Is it any wonder why certain verses appear steadily in the Bible? Such as:

Genesis 26:24           “….do not fear”
Deuteronomy 1:21    “….do not fear or be discouraged”
Leviticus 23:40         “….rejoice before the LORD”
Numbers 13:20         “….Be of good courage”

There are many others, but the point is; God wants you to think in a certain way because He knows how it will affect you and He knows what He speaks is Truth! Maybe if you started to believe God more and yourself less, you will achieve everything God made you to be, instead of being who you have made yourself to be.

Gideon was a farmer in a city that was being attacked by a powerful enemy. He spent his time sneaking around as to not get caught and was afraid of being killed. In his eyes, he was a nobody, but when God sent an angel to give Gideon a mission, observe how the angel addressed Gideon:

Judges 6:12
And the Angel of the LORD appeared to him, and said to him, “The LORD is with you, you mighty man of valor!”

Mighty Man Of Valor? To a guy who is hiding from the enemy? God saw Gideon as HE sees things, NOT as we see things or ourselves! God instructed Gideon to put together an army of farmers and narrowed it down to only 300 men against thousands upon thousands of highly trained enemy soldiers. God gave Gideon the victory!

So Gideon as it turned out, was a mighty man of valor. He believed what God SAID, NOT what he THOUGHT! Maybe you too need to start believing what God says about YOU.

David, Samuel and  Daniel, were all youths when God appointed them to be great. It didn’t happen overnight, but their trust in what God said OVER their circumstances caused them to hold on to God’s Promise and eventually saw that promise realized! Joseph was given a dream by God that caused jealousy amongst his brothers, who sold him into slavery, then as a slave he was falsely accused and thrown into prison for three years, until the Pharaoh of Egypt heard of his ability to interpret dreams and when Joseph  did so accurately, Pharaoh elevated Joseph to second to no one but him over all Egypt.

Joseph suffered about 14 miserable years of his life, but in the end, God’s word held true…and so did Joseph’s thoughts towards God’s promise.

HINT: The sooner you start learning God’s Word for you and begin thinking it in your heart, the sooner you will become who God says you are and achieve all the fullness He has for you.

STOP! Letting your negative and wrong thinking continue to rule in your life and bring hardship upon you. Listen to the voice of God and follow in His ways and you too will taste and see how good God is!

You ALL want change, I know you do, you’ve told me. Every time you think it may be possible, your negative thoughts creep back in and steal your hope. You believe that what you have now is all you can ever hope to obtain. You tell yourself every excuse not to try or to stop hoping. You have to change your thinking!

Grab a Bible and ask God to give a verse that you can “THINK” on. Think about this daily and meditate on it. See this verse being lived out in your life. When you have it deep-rooted, go back and pick another verse. Try It and tell me what happens!

God Bless,
Love Brother Edward

Psalm 147:11 The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him,In those who hope in His mercy.

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